At the heart of good stewardship is the realization that all things are given to us by our loving God. They are given to us to love him and serve him by loving and serving others. At Mary, Queen of Peace, embracing stewardship as a way of life is evident in the way so many share their gifts of time, talent and treasure.“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Pt 4:10
There are many ways to share your time with your parish family here at MQP. Something new we have to offer is the Quick Response Team! Sometimes you may have a few minutes or hours to share, and our QR Team answers the call.
Whatever your gifts may be, there is a place for them here at MQP. Take a look at our various ministries and see where you may fit. Questions? Call Karen Baker, Director of Stewardship, at 985-202-0232 or email [email protected]
Our parish family depends on the gifts of each one of us to serve the mission of fostering life-changing encounters with Jesus. Whatever you can give is a blessing to all that we do. You can give by envelope or through our online giving platform here. Need help? Contact Jen Coco, Director of Finance, [email protected].
Everyone dreams about the future. For the Messenger family of MQP, our latest “Saints Under Construction,” it’s an inspiring dream:
As Michael Messenger puts it: “As a family, we enjoy adventures to faraway places, exploring National Parks, hiking, biking, camping, drinking coffee, enjoying good food (especially tacos and sushi) and dreaming about one day selling all of our belongings and living in a Tiny House somewhere in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and just living the ‘simple life.’ ”
Until then, Michael, Karen and their boys – Jacob, 12, and Daniel, 8 – are content with the busy life here in Mandeville. “We are blessed,” says Michael, who teaches STEM at Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic School while Karen is a physical therapist at Ochsner. “We met while we were both at LSU and have been married for 15 years. Surprisingly enough, I haven’t driven her crazy!”
The whole Messenger family is involved in parish life at MQP. “I teach the children and share my faith with our school kids,” Michael said. “Karen is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, and Jacob is an altar server. Daniel, meanwhile, is part of the self- titled ‘Donut Eating Club’” – referring to his part in gobbling up goodies at our Hospitality Sunday each month.
“We love being a part of this parish,” Michael said. “Everyone is welcoming and friendly, and it truly feels like a family. We especially enjoy Father Cooper's homilies, always leaving Mass feeling uplifted and ready to improve our lives and the lives of others from his powerful and oftentimes humorous sermons.
“Our family is very blessed to call Mary, Queen of Peace our home.” And MQP is very blessed to have the Messenger saints under construction as they dream big dreams of a simple life.
When Luke and Rachel Hebert arrived at Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church as newlyweds seven years ago, little did they know how much they would become a part of this parish family – and little did this parish family know how much they would love Luke and Rachel Hebert.
Parishioners who have been around MQP for the past seven years or more have enjoyed watching the Hebert family grow from two young people involved in Dynamic Parish, young adult ministry and more, to parents of one, two and now three little ones. If you go to 9:30 Mass on Sundays, you will likely see them sitting right in front.
“We moved to Mandeville in 2018 after marrying, and we found a lovely faith home at Mary Queen of Peace Parish, which was a special blessing since neither of us have family in the area,” Luke said. “MQP has helped us to explore and embrace our Catholic faith more in these early years of our marriage, and now, especially since our family is growing, MQP is a source of spiritual support for the five of us.”
Rachel is a stay-at-home mom for their three children: Emmett, 2; Simon, 1; and Annalise, 1 month. She coordinated Pray and Play for moms of pre-schoolers before Annalise was born and she hopes to start up again in the spring. “I know it was helpful for me, and I think it would be helpful for other moms as well. I am happy being at home with my kids, but I also love fellowship and talking about God with other people in the church parish; that fills my cup!”
Luke works in engineering in Covington and is pursuing a masters of pastoral leadership at Notre Dame Seminary. He is also a member of the Pastoral Council. He loves growing in his faith and connecting with others at Mary, Queen of Peace. “We have always found MQP to be a joyous and loving parish,” Luke said. Asked if they consider themselves “Saints Under Construction,” Rachel said she knows we all need to work on becoming saints, and Luke added how he keeps his eyes on Christ during the busy work day: “I am at my best when I remember throughout the day that I only have the gift of life by God’s gratuitous love. And we are all at our best when we find ways to show Christ’s self-giving love to neighbor.”
Although they are very much a part of MQP, they also cherish their family time. “Emmett loves to read and to experiment with his English,” Luke said. “Simon loves eating and kicking balls. And Annalise loves being held, especially if the holder is doing squats.
Next time you see the Hebert family after 9:30 Mass, you can offer to hold a baby or two. Especially if you can do a squat!