Since the time of early Christianity, Baptism has been the rite of initiation into the Christian community of the Church. In Baptism, the "one Spirit" makes us members of the Body of Christ and of "one another" (Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 1267).
Baptism is an incredible gift from God! We want to help you experience this gift here at Mary, Queen of Peace.
To get started, here are the requirements for infant Baptism:
The baptism paperwork will need to be completed in full and received in the parish office before a baptism ceremony date will be officially scheduled. Completed baptism documents can be dropped off in the main parish office or mailed to:
Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
1501 West Causeway Approach
Mandeville, LA 70471
Attn: Charisse Saucier
After reviewing the packet/documents, our coordinator will contact you to schedule the baptism ceremony date. Family, friends and guests are welcomed and encouraged to attend Baptisms. They are scheduled following the 11:30 a.m. Mass the second Sunday of the month. If your family is interested in a Baptism within a Mass, please contact Charisse Saucier at 985-626-6977 for consideration.
The Baptismal Candle, a white baptismal bib garment, and a Certificate of Baptism will be presented to each family at the ceremony.
Contact: Charisse Saucier | 985-626-6977 | [email protected]
Children 7 years and older will go through a religious education program to learn about the sacrament. Call the Religious Education office at 985-674-9794 or email Nicole Johnson at:
Children going through the program will be baptized at the Easter Vigil.
Adults wishing to be baptized will go through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and be baptized at the Easter Vigil.